Oasis Africa Kibera video
Thanks to the generous help of my all too talented friends Dave Kelly and Brendan O'Brien we finished the video for Oasis Africa and they...
Article on Film Photography in Australian Photography
For those still shooting on film... http://www.australianphotography.com/news/shooting-film-why-it-still-makes-sense
Kibera the book returns home...
Got this email today from the Oasis Africa crew who are visiting Kibera this week: Hi Chris We went into Kibera yesterday and attended an...
Samburu Women
The Samburu are one of Kenya's 42 tribes, similar to the better known Maasai, the women share the Maasai women's love of song...this song...
The Good Lie
There is a new movie coming out in November called The Good Lie with Reece Witherspoon amongst others, it tells the story of three Lost...
Lost Boys Story on Queen Latifah Show
I had an email from a producer on the Queen Latifah Show the other day. Apparently they are doing a piece on the Lost Boys, im not sure...
Lost Boys of Sudan - Lost Again exhibition media
There was some great coverage in the media, that includes THIS interview on 702, and THIS article in The City Hub.
Lost Boys of Sudan on 7.30 Report
The ABC's 7.30 Report did an excellent piece on the exhibition and some great archival fottage and interviews with the Lost Boys of...